Read Aloud

A Kids Book About Racism

Author Jelani Memory

It's never too early to learn about what is racism. In this book, the author describes what is racism, how it makes people feel when they experience it and how to spot it when it happens.

Worries are not Forever

Author Elizabeth Verdick

Everyone feels worried at times. This book is helps explain what worries are and how it feels to be worried.


Watch the videos below!

Positive Ninja

Author Mary Nhin and Pictures by Jelena Stupar

Ninja Life Hacks on Mindfulness and Managing Negative Emotions and Feelings


Click on the link below to use the worksheet to help you with positive self talk

Waiting is NOT Easy!

Author Mo Williams

Sometimes when we are really excited about something it is hard to wait for it. Like waiting for your birthday party, or waiting to go back to school. Doesn't it feel like time is moving very slowly. It can be hard to be patient and wait.


Are you waiting to use the same device (IPAD, Computer, cellphone) as your sibling or mom and dad? What can you do while you wait?

What does it mean to be patient? In school can you write down events during the school day you need to be patient?

Can you make a paper chain with number of minutes you need to wait? 10 minutes=10 chain links.

I am Peace

Author Susan Verde

Illustrated Peter H. Reynolds

Listen to a book about mindfulness.


Can you finish the sentences:

I feel angry when...

I feel sad when...

When I feel these emotions, I can find my peace by....

The Invisible String

Author Patrice Karst & Dana Wyss

Illustrated Joanne Lew-Vriethoff

Even though we may not be with each other, there is still an invisible string connecting all of us together.


Can you draw a picture of you and a friend. In between connect each other with a string. Are there other people or pets you can draw a string between?


Love the World

Author Todd Parr

This book encourages us to show love for ourselves and all the people, places and things they encounter.


Grab a piece of paper and write down all the things you love about yourself! Sometimes this can be hard, but don't give up. What makes you, you!

Can you write things you love about your classroom? What about somethings you love about your teacher and peers?


Be Kind

Author Pat Zietlow Miler and illustrator Jen Hill

When Tanisha spills grape juice all over her new dress, her classmate wants to make her feel better, wondering: What does it mean to be kind?

Activity 1

Write a letter or email to a friend or family member that might be feeling lonely, or worried. How can you cheer them up? Add a joke, write kind words, show empathy.


Activity 2
