More Languages

👩‍🏫 Hallo! Hola! Bonjour! مرحبا

For this page I have selected a few videos to learn German, Spanish and Arabic and I have watched all of them to make sure they are right for you.

👩‍🏫 You can learn so many languages with the internet nowadays; the sky is the limit! However you must always ask an adult to help you when you go on Youtube to find language learning videos.

👩‍🏫 Apprenez bien ! 🙂

🗫 Belmont French Website Questionnaire for PARENTS and CHILDREN.

🗫 Children please note: you cannot do the questionnaire on your own, your parent(s) must give their consent and complete their section before you can do yours

Deutsch German Allemand

'Lern mit mir' (learn with me) (video below) is a Youtube channel with many videos to help children learn German.

Español Spanish Espagnol

I love the video above for learning basic Spanish. It's a lot of fun!

اللغة العربية Arabic Arabe

I started learning Arabic last year; it was difficult but I really enjoyed learning a new language and a new alphabet!