Q: How do I know if this opportunity is right for me?

A: We are seeking a small group of four to six schools or small CMOs to participate in The Institute. Your organization is an ideal candidate for the program if you:

Program and growth orientation

· Currently operate 1 to 3 schools

· Are looking to grow over the next 2 to 5 years

· Have a strong academic foundation, including a track record of effectively serving higher-need populations successfully

Capacity, mindest, and engagement

· Have a Chief-level leader who can dedicate ~5 hours to this work weekly including:

· Leading internal 1:1 and team conversations about growth-related topics

· Completing structured pre-work documents to prepare for advisory calls

· Attending 2 in-person convenings (these weeks will require significantly more time)

· Capturing strategic growth approach in codified document (usually PPT)

· Overseeing development of a financial model (by another team member)

· Will engage at least one board member in the process

· Are eager to learn and have thinking pushed (by Bellwether and other participating organizations) and push others’ thinking about how to approach this work effectively and in the best interest of kids

· Have questions about how to approach your growth or infrastructure to support growth and a network and would like strategic support

Q: Who will be involved from my organization?

A: One key leader from the organization (usually the CEO) will serve as the primary point person (project lead) for the work and be a consistent participant in regular meetings with the cohort and Bellwether. However, we suggest that each CMO form an internal advisory group of 2 to 5 members (other leadership team members, board members), including point people to lead:

a) Financial model development – this person needs an intermediate level of proficiency with Excel (please let us know if you will have trouble meeting this requirement and we can discuss alternatives)

b) Strategic plan codification – this person will lead the process to translate your strategic decisions into PowerPoint format to be used to communicate with funders and other key audiences.

Each member of this group will participate in a subset of interactions with Bellwether and the cohort. Beyond that, we will set you up to effectively engage your organization’s broader stakeholders.

Q: What’s the time commitment?

A: The formal cohort activities will span mid-September to mid-February. It will require 4 to 5 hours per week of the project lead’s time — with some weeks requiring less, and weeks on and around our convenings requiring more.

Q: What will my organization get out of Institute participation?

A: Each participating organization will walk away with a complete strategic growth plan, with a particular focus on theory of action, network model, staffing, and financial model. The plan will be developed by you, with the benefit of templates, examples, benchmarks, and most importantly strategic advisory support from Bellwether.

You’ll also benefit from deepened relationships with other members of your cohort — CMO leaders at a similar stage of development.

Finally, you’ll have increased access to Texas Charter School Association (TCSA) and Texas Education Agency (TEA) supports throughout the experience, and afterward as you launch your plan.

Q. What does the process consist of?

A: The Institute comprises three core elements that you will benefit from as a participant.

1) Readiness Diagnostic: In partnership with you, Bellwether will implement a “readiness to grow” diagnostic to identify a small number of customized focus areas that will be more deeply supported in addition to the core program areas.

2) Collaborative Working Sessions: You will attend two in-person sessions with all members of the cohort, which will focus on furthering your progress through in-person time with Bellwether as well as getting feedback from your peers.

3) Tailored Advising: You will be in regular and consistent contact with Bellwether’s team between working sessions to ensure you have the customized support you need to make progress on your strategic planning work.

This support will include:

· Weekly or bi-weekly video calls with Bellwether team members to discuss and push your thinking on “homework” you have completed as input to your plan

· A consultant’s time dedicated to providing tailored support including development of your market landscape and refining your organizational structure

· Review and “polishing” of a summary PowerPoint synthesis of your plan

All components of the work will integrate lessons and exemplars from others who have trod this path before. Bellwether will provide exemplar materials as well as opportunities to connect with experienced leaders on selected topics.

Throughout the process Bellwether will provide you with guidance to translate the templates you complete and decisions you make into a PowerPoint strategic plan, aligned with the Charter School Growth Fund’s plan requirements.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: The Walton Family Foundation is generously supporting most of the cost for this offering of the Institute. Cost to participating organizations will be $5,000 plus the cost of travel and lodging for 2-3 team members for each of the two convenings (likely to be held in Houston).

Q: How do I get more details?

A: Join our webinars! They are scheduled for Monday, August 13 at 4pm CT and Thursday, August 16 at 7:30am CT. Please email Starr at starr.aaron@bellwethereducation.org in order to receive the login information. Feel free to email with any other questions as well.

Q: I’m convinced! What do I do now?

A: Complete the application, which you can find here. Applications are due by August 27.