Designing technology integration for teachers at Bellville ISD is a blessing. We are passionate about assisting educators in providing classroom environments rich in communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking to increase student success in today's tech rich environment.
Brian Reid
Director of Technology
Brian Reid
(979) 865 - 7089 x 1104
Hilee Draehn
Instructional Technologist
Hilee Draehn
(979) 865 - 7089 x 1145
Shana Crawford
Instructional Technologist
Shana Crawford
(979) 865 - 7089 x 1145
We are available to help you with:
Instructional Services
lesson plan spice up- We can take your lesson and help add some tech to it.
plan grade level tech integration with your grade or department
model tools for you and your students
locate tech resources to support your curriculum
co-teaching-support the tech integration with you
help facilitate the use of mobile devices
discuss, answer questions about and model innovative teaching practices like flipped classroom, PBL, etc.
Network Services
resolve network or connectivity issues
assist with phone system problems
help with Eduphoria account or testing trouble
provide assistance with browser issues
Technician Services
replace a burned out projector bulb
evaluate your laptop for repair
install updates or new programs
help with SMART Board problems
assist with TV connections