BISD is so grateful to our community for supporting the projects included in the November 2023 Bond Proposal. For a comprehensive overview of all of our efforts to continuously improve upon our facilities and conditions for learning, please see the information linked below:
The BJHS Design Team is comprised of 35 individuals representing various departments and programs from the campus and district level and inclusive of studnet and parent representatives.
The Design Team meets every other week. Their work so far has included an initial review of square footage allotments and site layout. Drafting multiple layout options and then working to select and refine the most desired layout for the building.
Next steps include finalizing the placement of the facility on the designated site and refining parking, traffic flow, and outdoor learning spaces.
The team will then transition into specialized teams designing the details for each area including fine arts, athletics, electives with ag and engineering, instructional spaces, special education spaces, administrative and nurse's spaces, detailed design for the media center/library, and kitchen and cafeteria.
Once detailed designs for each space are finalized the team will transition into the process of selecting interior finishes, fixtures, equipment and furniture.
Members of the BJHS Design Team including students, staff, and leaders visited three different districts who partnered with our architects for recent construction projects.
The team was able to see design components that we liked and are seeking to incorporate into our building and design components that don't necessarily fit the style and functionality of our vision for our new campus.
Click HERE to see agendas and notes from the ongoing meetings from our Long-Range Facilities Planning, Bond Steering, and Design Team Meetings. Click HERE to see Bond Project Updates.
We broke ground on the new BJHS campus on June 18. Design and construction are on-track for opening mid-year in the 2025-2026 school year; however- hurricane Beryl and the continued wet conditions are making this timeline tight.
Renovations to the West End Cafeteria and interior corridor on the oldest wing of the campus are underway and slated to be complete for the opening of the 2024-2025 school year.
Design meetings for the restroom addition at West End, interior refresh at OBP, and transition of the existing BJHS campus to a 3rd-5th OBI campus for the 2026-2027 school year will begin shortly after we kick off the 2024-2025 school year. These projects are in the final bid-package for our 2023 Bond Series and are slated to have design and bids complete by Janauary 2025.