BISD Capital Improvement Committee
The Capital Improvement Committee is a representative group of stakeholders including students, parents, staff, and community members charged with ensuring BISD provides safe and effective conditions for learning and performance across the district in a way that is responsible and respectful of our stakeholders’ investment in our schools. The CIC serves in an advisory capacity through recommendations made to BISD administrators and the BISD Board of Trustees.
2021-2022 Capital Improvement Commitee Meeting Agendas & Minutes
2022-2023 Capital Improvement Committee Meeting Agendas & Minutes
BISD Long-Range Facilities Plan & Data Sources
The BISD Long-Range Facilities Plan
The BISD LRFP is a living document originally created in collaboration with the 2020-2021 Capital Improvement Committee and regularly updated by the BISD Administration Team and Board of Trustees.
Facilities Data Sources
BISD Bond History & Financial Information
BISD Tax Information
The school district's tax rate is composed of two separate components. The Maintenance & Operations portion of the tax rate is established through a formula determined by the state. The Interest & Sinking portion of the tax rate is established by the Board of Trustees for the purposes of making debt payments for bond debt approved through an election by the community.
M&O Tax Rate: $0.94
I&S Tax Rate: $0.19
BISD Learning Center
BISD purchased the former Wells Fargo Building on the Bellville Square to create a vocational learning center for students' to connect their learning in areas of art, culinary arts, entrepreneurship, & graphic design in real-world application to contribute to the attraction of our community's downtown commerce. The property was purchased through funds generated by the sale of three properties the district previously inherited/owned.
The initial budget for building renovations and outfitting was estimated at $2M. The project is currently trending below budget at $1.8M. The building is set to open with students in Spring 2023!