What is Imago Relationship Therapy?

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Imago Relationship Therapy is a dynamic theory-based approach to couples counseling. It is based on the best-selling book "Getting The Love You Want", by Harville Hendrix, PhD who co-founded Imago Relationships International together with his partner, Helen LaKelly Hunt, PhD. It is a synthesis of psychological theories, spiritual traditions, and practical clinical experience that focus on helping couples build and deepen connection. Imago relationship work moves from the individual to a relational perspective…it asks couples “what does the relationship need from me” as opposed to “what do I need from the relationship”. During Imago sessions couples learn a new way of listening and talking – The Imago Dialogue. The dialogue process supports the couple in establishing safety and trust so that important, underlying, issues and concerns can be addressed; this provides the foundation for healing and growth.

Imago couples come to understand the reason for and the purpose of conflict in their relationship. They also learn the skills required to turn frustration and fear into more effective ways of relating as they move towards co-creation of a new vision for their relationship. The couple leaves the very first session with new tools to use as they begin to manifest their full potential and possibilities for loving fulfillment.

You can learn more about Imago relationship work at www.GettingTheLoveYouWant.com.