In our classroom we will follow 4 rules throughout the year.

When a class rule is broken, there are 3 levels of consequences that will be given. I will do everything in my power to protect your right to learn and enjoy school by following through with these rules and consequences. 

Student “I will” Expectations

I will  turn my homework in on time.

I will work on my homework when I am given time in class.

I will be respectful of my school, my classroom, and the objects inside of it.

Most importantly…

I will give my best every day when I walk into the room.

I will behave my best.

I will have a positive attitude.

Teacher “I will” Expectations

I will  start each day with a clean slate which means yesterday’s mistakes will not become a part of the new day.

I will  follow our classroom management plan.

I will  provide you with timely feedback on your work.

I will  do my best.

I will  come with a positive attitude every single day.

I will  respect you.

I will  smile at you every single day.

Students should read for 20 minutes each night and have a parent sign their reading log to confirm that it was done.