COVID-19 Updates and Information for the Big Reds Community

Current COVID Statistics District Wide

Less than 1% of our student body is currently infected. As of 1/31/22 we have 5 cases and 18 quarantine.

Health screenings for students/staff

Before each school day, parents should assess the health of their children. Please follow the Belmont County Health Department Checklist for guidance.

Facial covering/masks

Mask wearing is optional in the school building. The Ohio Department of Health rescinded their face mask policy on June 2, 2021.

While not mandated, we are requesting all staff and students to wear masks in school. Masking will give us the best opportunity to keep our schools open.

Due to the continuing CDC mask mandate for public transportation, masks are still required on buses.

Contact Tracing and Quarantine

ODH CURRENT Quarantine Guidelines for those identified as close contact:

If you are wearing a mask- continue attending school while masked indoors for 14 days or

negative test on or after 5 days

If you are not masked- full quarantine

To avoid quarantine- you must either wear a mask or avoid close contact (within 3 feet for more

than 15 minutes) with a confirmed positive case.

ODH Flowchart for K-12 Classroom Settings

As you are fully aware, guidance is constantly being updated. We will continue to communicate

any changes as they arise.

Social distancing

Students will be physically distanced as much as facilities and classroom management permit to try to avoid contact, exposure, and quarantine.

Remote Learning

The Ohio Legislature has not extended the remote learning option that was in place last school year. We have returned to in-person, on-site instruction for 5 days a week.

Continuation of Proactive Measures

  • We will continue to sanitize our buses and facilities with electrostatic disinfectant sprayers.

  • Hand sanitizer stations and signage will remain.

  • Water fountains will remain closed. We will have water available and we recommend bringing a water bottle.

  • We are in the process of installing a state-of-the art HVAC system with Bipolar Ionization to aid in the filtration of viruses.

  • We will continue to work closely with the Belmont County Health Department to track cases and follow isolation and quarantine guidelines.

  • The No Visitor Policy remains, please contact the school to schedule a meeting.

  • We will continue to monitor ODE, ODH, and Ohio Legislature for any updates or changes to health orders.