Te Reo Maori

We have been learning how to ask how someone is and giving an appropriate response.

Kei te pehea koe? How are you?

Kei te __________ ahau. Good- pai, ngenge- tired, tumeke- choice,


Positive- I like how you have used your own images to show the different feelings.

Thoughtful- I wondered when I saw this whether you could use a video instead of an image? This might help with showing you felt paangia.

Helpful- Next time could you try and see if you can add macrons to your long vowels.

Positive- I like that you have spent a lot of time to add detail to your images.

Thoughtful- Your feelings poster made me think about how I could make some of your images into an animation....

Helpful- Have you thought about making your names smaller and towards the bottom so that it doesn't detract from the main part of the poster?

We are learning to: present our mihimihi.

Te Reo Mihi.pdf

Share your mihimihi here: https://flipgrid.com/f9a84c