Lest We Forget

‘Who’s for the Game?’ by Jessie Pope

Discuss the following questions in your group

  1. What image of the war does the poet create in this poem?

  2. How does the poet try to persuade men to sign up to fight?

  3. What effect does the use of rhetorical device have on the reader?

  4. The poet uses a friendly, conversational manner in the poem, what effect does this have on the reader?

Once you have answered these questions, make a DLO that shows the language features that that author uses to get their point across. You can put this onto your blog. Some ideas for points are:

1. Jessie Pope uses rhetorical questions in her poem.

2. The poet uses a metaphor.

3. Exciting imagery is used in the poem.

4. The poet uses imperative verbs in the poem.

5. The poet portrays the war as a game.