Miss Wing's Maths

Prototec- Term 3

2023 - Term 3 - Miss Wing's Number Knowledge Tracker

Maths Task- Week 8

Matariki Powerpoint Math Game.ppt

Individual work


Buddy work- make a copy and share it with your buddy. Add pages to your slide to show your work. Post onto your blog.

Fraction of a set practice -Here

Maths Groups Task Boards

Miss Wing’s Maths Group Slide, Term 3, 2023


Yohaku Puzzle Addition

1. Make a copy of this slideshow

2.  Click on Yohaku Puzzle, Create New

To solve a yohaku, you must fill in the blank space so that the cells give the sum or the product shown in each row and column.  



Prototec - Term 2

Daily Prototec

2023 - Term 2 - Miss Wing's Number Knowledge Tracker

Prototec - Term 1

Miss Wing's Number Knowledge Tracker Term 1, 2023 (:

Number Hive Class Challenge