Mrs McCombie's Writing Group

Persuasive Writing - somewhere cold vs somewhere hot?

Questions to think about...

  • Where is it? How big? Population?

  • What temperatures?

  • What is there to do in Mexico - tourist attractions?

  • What do you need to do to prepare for the cold?

  • Interesting facts about Mexico

Questions to think about...

  • Where is it? How big? Population?

  • What temperatures?

  • What is there to do in Iceland - tourist attractions?

  • What do you need to do to prepare for the cold?

  • Interesting facts about Iceland

2022 Writing Interesting Arctic Animals
  • Acknowledge the source where we gathered the information from

  • Cross checked our information to see that the information matched up with another source

  • Learning about plagiarism - rewording the sentences

Check List:

  • Capital letters for proper nouns

  • Punctuation to enhance our sentences

  • Does my sentence make sense?

  • Do I understand all the vocabulary I have used?


In our writing class we have been researching 'Polar Bears' because it is a character in our Storytelling story (The Three Brothers and the Polar Bear).

We have been researching information on: habitat, diet, dimensions, life span and interesting facts.

What do you think?

2022 Writing W6 - Polar Bear Fact File