Miss Rogers' Reading Groups

Reading Responses
Copy of The Fight
Reading Task Board 2022

Taramakau River Exemplar - By Isabella


Mokihi Exemplar - By Isabella, Ariana & Hollie


Sleep Task Board

Reading Mileage Tracker

Reading Mileage Term 2

Blog Commenting Tracker

Reading Blog Commenting tracker

Term 1 - Literacy Circles!

This term we are all participating in Literacy Circles for Reading. These provide a way for you to engage in critical thinking and reflection as you read, discuss, and respond to books. Collaboration is at the heart of this approach. You will reshape and add onto your understanding as you construct meaning with other readers.

Below you will find everything you need to complete your task for your assigned role each week. There are paper copies up in both classes but you can choose to do this online also. If you choose to do this online please choose the correct template below.



Discussion Director

Discussion Director



Passage Picker

Passage Picker



Word Master

Word Master



Copy of Mars- Argumentation Board
Library slide
Blooms Reading Task Cards - Englefield House
Fast Finishers
Differentiated Fact File.pdf
Reading Activity mATARIKI.pdf

Fact Card Exemplar

Week 5

This week you will be researching your New Zealand Native bird!

You will need to gather facts about your bird then display this in a visually appealing Google Draw.


  • You must reference where you gathered your facts from.

  • You must include pictures.

  • You need to think about how your Fact Card looks, you want it to be easy to read.

  • Check for spelling!

  • All information must be factual - remember, no Wikipedia!

  • Ge creative with your Fact Card!

NZ Native Bird Fact Cards