English Learner


support services

Beechwood Independent Schools

Grades K-12

English Language Learner Identification

Upon enrollment, new students will receive a Home Language Survey. A student is identified as an English Learner if

My Student Is An English Learner.  What Happens Next?

When a new English language student is enrolled in the Beechwood district, the student's level of English will be assessed. The student will be assessed for reading, writing, listening and speaking. Each skill area is out of 6, with a 4.5 being considered as proficient in the English language.

Once Assessed, the English Language Teacher will create a Program Services Plan (PSP) in accordance with 703 KAR 5:070. With the parent's consent, the English Language teacher will provide the appropriate English services to the student.

The services the student may receive are

When Is My Student No Longer An English Learner?

Every January, English learners will take the ACCESS test in order to assess their English level. They will once again be assessed based on reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. If the student scores a composite score of 4.5 or higher, the student will exit the English Language program and no longer receive English services.

 Beechwood Independent School District

English Language District Coordinator/Teacher

Emma Hofmann

Contact : emma.hofmann@beechwood.kyschools.us