Welcome to the Counseling Corner!!
Welcome to the Counseling Corner!!
It is the goal of this counseling program to offer support services to the students, their parents, and the teachers of Bedminster Township School. Through the coordination with the individuals who have impact on the child, and with the child himself/herself, maximum effort can be directed toward helping students become responsible, emotionally healthy individuals who are capable of utilizing their full potential.
It is the goal of this counseling program to offer support services to the students, their parents, and the teachers of Bedminster Township School. Through the coordination with the individuals who have impact on the child, and with the child himself/herself, maximum effort can be directed toward helping students become responsible, emotionally healthy individuals who are capable of utilizing their full potential.
ginfante@bedminsterschool.org K-4th gr. kdeckhut@bedminsterschool.org 5th-8th gr.
ginfante@bedminsterschool.org K-4th gr. kdeckhut@bedminsterschool.org 5th-8th gr.