Politics Catalyze Denouncement

Political events in the early 1900s led to the denouncement of yellow journalism by name.

mckinley assassinated

{Library of Congress}

President McKinley was assassinated shortly after US victory in the Spanish-American War.  Americans thought that Hearst had promoted anarchism, motivating Czolgosz. 

"I killed the President because he was the enemy of the good people — the good working people.”

~ Leon Czolgosz at his execution

{Buffalo News}

Drama with roosevelt

{Charles Macauley, Columbia University Rare Book & Manuscript Library}

Roosevelt's Big Stick Policy

Illustrated is Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, “coat-tails flying, running from a demonic little Theodore Roosevelt carrying a big stick” (Joseph Pulitzer and The World, Columbia University Libraries).

Panama Libel Case

President Roosevelt accused Pulitzer of implying that Roosevelt purchased the Panama Canal Zone for personal profit. He brought the case to Court, in the United States v. Press Publishing Co.

{Joseph Pulitzer: Voice of the People}