Fiches de révision Verbes

All verb conjugations in French can be divided into two distinct catagories "Les temps simples" and "Les temps composés"

Les temps simples are considered simple because they are made up of only one word.

Composed tenses are composed of two seperate verbs, être or avoir conjugated in the simple tense followed by the past participle.

Each simple tense has a composed tense couterpart. The composed tenses show that the action happened before its simple tense counterpart.

I know that at first this seems daunting, but it insn't as complicated as it seems. Once you know the simple tenses and the passé composé, all of the other tenses follow the same rules.

To review each tense click on the name of the tense below


Le passé simple


Le présent

Le futur simple

Le conditionnel


Le subjonctif


Le plus-que parfait

1. être ou avoir à l’imparfait 2. participe passé

Le passé composé

1. être ou avoir au présent 2. participe passé

Le futur anterieur

1. être ou avoir au futur simple 2. participe passé

Le conditionnel passé

1. être ou avoir au conditionnel 2. participe passé

Le subjonctif passé

1. être ou avoir au subjonctif 2. participe passé

Although rare in the French language it is important to be able to use La voix passive.

Voice (active or passive) indicates the relationship between a subject and verb. In the passive voice, the action described by the verb is being done to the subject by an agent.