Frequently Asked Questions

  • When will I know my child's bus route? Routes should be published in the local newspapers and on the district website the Thursday before Labor Day.
  • What time does my child's bus arrive? Refer to the bus route lists to see what time the route begins. We suggest arriving early for the beginning of school. After a few weeks you will notice a more consistent time as drivers and children get use to the route and routine.
  • Where should my child sit on the bus? We have Kindergarten students sit up at the front of the bus so the driver can get to know them and help make sure they get off at their stops. (If their is an older sibling, they may sit with them).
  • How does the school know which bus to put my child on? You will receive an email with an online form to fill out (paper copies will be available at during your visitation day). We use that information to develop our dismissal lists. You will also make a giant name tag that your student will wear for the first several weeks of school that includes the student's name, classroom teacher, and weekly dismissal plans.
  • Can my child go on the bus for a playdate? Unfortunately we are not able to accommodate bus rides for playdates due to limited seating on our buses. Buses may be used for childcare arrangements.
  • What do I do if I need to change my child's pick-up plan? We only allow changes if you have sent a note in your child's home-school folder, or you have called the main office to share the change. IF it is a permanent change you must send in a written note. IF you need to call about a one time change we ask that you do so by 2:00pm so we can give the information to the teacher and your child.
  • What happens if I realize I'm going to miss getting my child off of the bus? If you realize you are not going to be at the bus on time we ask that you call the school as soon as possible. If your child has not left the school we will have them wait in the office.
  • What happens if I was not out at the bus stop when the bus came by in the afternoon? The bus driver is looking to see that every child see's a familiar adult at the stop. If there is no one there for your child the driver will keep them on the bus . We will then be notified and will begin calling the contact information you share in Aspen. Your child will be brought back to Davis School where you will have to come to pick he or she up.
  • What happens if I missed the bus in the morning? If you realize the bus already went by your stop you will have to drive your child to school.
  • How can I help prepare my child for riding the bus? You can encourage your child to become familiar with landmarks near the bus stop. Helping them to feel confident about riding the bus is also critical (your confidence and excitement will help). Our drivers are very friendly and get to know students on a first name basis.
  • What can I do if I my child did not get off at the bus stop he or she was supposed to? If you were expecting your child to get off and he or she did not, please call Davis School right away. We will then work with Bedford Charter. They are able to radio the bus to see if the child fell asleep or somehow is on another bus (which is rare but does happen on occasion).
  • Who can I contact if I have a concern about the bus? If you are concerned about behaviors or interactions on the bus please call the Davis School office. If you have concerns regarding bus routes and stops please call Bedford Charter.
  • Pick-Up Procedures If you are planning on picking your child up (Kindergarten- 2nd grade), please find a legal parking spot and walk to door number 2 (you will see a big sign saying the door opens at 3:05). Enter straight into the cafeteria and sign your child out in the binder at the table marked for your child's grade level. Students will then walk down after the end of the day announcements. We will share preschool specific information soon.