Databases etc.

Research DatabaseS Passwords for BHS 

Plagiarism is considered a form of intellectual theft and fraud. It involves using someone else's words or ideas and passing them off as your own by not providing credit, either deliberately or accidentally. However, it can also involve reusing your own work from a previous course, and passing it off as new work.


 MYBIB Citation Generator- Mrs. Connelly's favorite citation tool!

GALE eBooks (all reference books , primary and secondary sources) 

*If accessing from home you can log in with access code bedf64625  


Databases by Subject 

Encyclopedia Britannica 

SIRS Issues Database --analysis and opinions that cover pros & cons issues ProQuest databases 

User name: Bedford1!

Password: Bedford1! 

 Infobase eBooks  (non-fiction research books) 

Public Library Databases