
Jazz Band: A+ B. Auditions will be held in Mid September. Meets Wednesday 6:00-7:30 September-June. Performances include winter and spring concerts, UNH Clark Terry Jazz Festival, and other school events.

Small Ensemble Club: Meets Fridays at 7:10am. Ensembles include flute choir, brass quartets, chamber groups, Jazz Combos, strings, etc.

Pep Band: Meets for practices and games during the winter sports season.

Glee Club: Will meet Fridays after school in late November-June

Drumline: Meets in spring/summer and as needed for performance opportunities and Band related events

Colorguard: Meets to rehearse throughout summer and fall. Performs with the Bulldog Marching Band and Colorguard

All-State Instrumental: Will meet Wednesdays 5-6 Mid September-November to get ready for All-state auditions (jazz and classical)

Band Project: Band Recruitment project late February - March. Performance at end.