Eric Gelinas

Athletic Trainereric@nhmi.net603.627.9728
Head Athletic Trainer, Bedford High School Education: BS in Athletic Training Education, University of New England, 2008; MS in Athletic Training Education, California University of Pennsylvania, 2009. Experience: Served as a graduate assistant athletic trainer at Southmoreland High School while at Cal U of PA. Primary covered football while also working with soccer, basketball, baseball, softball, wrestling and outdoor track.
Safe Sports Network
Safe Sports Network is a non-profit organization dedicated to sports heath and safety. Our research and education programs complement our youth sports-safety programs, so we're able to place our staff -- as well as other medical professionals throughout our community -- in the best position to prevent and care for injuries.
Thanks to the generous support of our donors, we're able to provide sports medicine services for thousand of young athletes in Southern New Hampshire . . . keeping them healthy and active.

Concussion Information

Safe Sports Network provides the most up-to-date standards in concussion care using the most current research. Our goal is to provide the best care, so the athlete may return to their sport in the safest way possible. If you would like to more about our protocols or want more information about concussions, CLICK HERE for more information.

Injury Treatment

Athletes, coaches and parents often wonder what the best way to treat an injury is. Some go with what feels good at the time, while others may blindly stick to one method to treat all injuries. The truth is that neither of these methods is especially beneficial to the athlete. Depending on how long the injury has been around and when it's being treated, you may be doing more harm than good!

The timing of the injury and treatment is key to the athlete receiving the most benefit from hot or cold therapy. For instance, heat is used to increase blood flow and tissue elasticity, but if it's used too early in the injury, it can cause an increase in swelling and delay the healing process. Read on to find out the best (and SAFEST) ways to use hot and cold therapies to your advantage!

Hydration Facts & Tips

Hydration Facts and Tips

Visit the UCONN website to learn more about how to keep hydrated.

Hydration Timing The chart below shows fluid intake recommendations before, during and after practice