Frequently Asked Questions

Please check this page frequently for new updates.

Since the office is closed, how can I make contact with the school?

  • Please note that the school, including the main office, is closed, and no one will be answering the phones at this time. As a result, email is the preferred method of communication. It is very important that students check their BCPS email accounts and this site frequently.

  • Questions about learning and specific content - please email your child's teacher. To access teach email addresses, please click the grade level tab. Please know that some teachers do not have frequent high-speed internet access, and it may take up to two days to receive a response.

  • Questions about flash drives and equipment (Chromebooks) - please email Mrs. Moxley at christine.moxley@bedford.k12.va.us

  • All other questions - please email Mr. Tucker at jtucker@bedford.k12.va.us

Because school is closed, will my child be retained (repeat the grade level), be forced to attend summer school, or be redo this year?

  • Simply put, no. Any student who was in good academic standing when school finished on Friday, March 13th will remain that way. Any student who was at risk of failing will have an opportunity to improve their grade to reach passing status. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) is providing significant flexibility for schools to address content that is essential for success in future coursework. Teachers will be checking in and working with students constantly to ensure that they remain on track for on going success.

  • For students taking a high school credit course (Algebra 1, Geometry, World History, Earth Science) - historically, students were required to pass both the class and the SOL test in order to receive the "verified credit" (that's the official name for a high school credit). Now, the Spring 2020 administration of the Standards of Learning (SOL) test has been cancelled. Therefore, the VDOE has given flexibility with students earning verified credits. Students will not be required to take the SOL assessments. Instead, students currently in a course eligible for a verified credit can earn a locally verified credit when they successfully complete the course. This means that students enrolled in these courses should make diligent effort on the learning opportunities provided by teachers. While the learning opportunities will not be graded, teachers will be able to assess the activities completed by students and provide feedback about when the student has done enough to successfully complete the course, what else needs to be done, etc. Students and parents are encouraged to remain in frequent contact with teachers of these courses for additional direction.

How will grading work?

  • Based on guidance from the VDOE, we will be sharing information about grade calculations at a later date. At this point, we know that the learning opportunities described above will not be graded in the traditional sense. Instead, as students make progress, teachers will constantly review their work and provide feedback. It is essential that all students put forth effort on these learning opportunities. Furthermore, students currently failing at this point in the course will be provided with the opportunity to meet course requirements and obtain course credit. Extended learning opportunities for students who do not meet course requirements needed to obtain course credit will be communicated at a later date.

Where can I find information about the meal services?

  • All information is posted and updated on the Bedford County Public Schools site, which can be accessed here.

When will I get a refund for my child's field trip?

  • Refund checks were mailed during the week of March 30, 2020. Checks were mailed to the individual making the original payment.

We paid for a yearbook. When will they be distributed?

  • Yearbooks usually arrive in mid to late May. Based on guidance from the governor's office and Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), and our school division, we will develop a plan and share this with you as soon as possible.

We never turned in our spring pictures. What do we do with them? Do we have to pay for the pictures?

  • We have been in contact with Lifetouch regarding this Spring’s school pictures. It’s not too late to order school pictures online at mylifetouch.com. If you are not ordering school pictures, you can hold your packet and return it to the school when we resume classes. No one will be charged unless placing an order.

When will students be able to access the building for locker clean-out, retrieving belongings, etc.?

  • Based on guidance from the governor's office, Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), and our school division, we will develop a plan and share this with you as soon as possible.

When / how will students return their Chromebooks?

  • Based on guidance from the governor's office, Virginia Department of Education (VDOE), and our school division, we will develop a plan and share this with you as soon as possible.

Since the 8th Grade Recognition ceremony cannot take place on campus, will anything be done to honor 8th grade students?

  • Yes, our leadership and 8th grade teams will be working on a plan to recognize 8th grade students and will share this information when it is available.

Since the SOL tests are cancelled, how will students get the verified credit for a high-school credit course (only applies to students in Algebra 1, Geometry, World History 1, and Earth Science)? (also addressed above)

  • For students taking a high school credit course (Algebra 1, Geometry, World History, Earth Science) - historically, students were required to pass both the class and the SOL test in order to receive the "verified credit" (that's the official name for a high school credit.). Now, the Spring 2020 administration of the Standards of Learning (SOL) test has been cancelled. Therefore, the VDOE has given flexibility with students earning verified credits. Students will not be required to take the SOL assessments. Instead, students currently in a course eligible for a verified credit can earn a locally verified credit when they successfully complete the course. This means that students enrolled in these courses should make diligent effort on the learning opportunities provided by teachers. While the learning opportunities will not be graded, teachers will be able to assess the activities completed by students and provide feedback about when the student has done enough to successfully complete the course, what else needs to be done, etc. Students and parents are encouraged to remain in frequent contact with teachers of these courses for additional direction.

Other Questions?

Questions about content and learning - please email your child's teacher. Email addresses can be found on each grade level tab.

Questions about flashdrives and Chromebooks - please mail Mrs. Moxley at christine.moxley@bedford.k12.va.us

Other questions - please mail Mr. Tucker at jtucker@bedford.k12.va.us