Art II Information

Welcome to Art Class!

Required Materials:

  • a sketchbook that is ~9x12", 35+ sheets of multimedia paper It is not necessary to purchase an expensive sketchbook, but I found that students become frustrated with pages falling out of glue-bound books and some wire ones come unraveled and snag.

  • Students must come prepared with their own #2 pencils

Suggested Materials:
If you are in a position to provide the following items to the class collection they are greatly needed:

  • black Sharpie markers - both fine and ultra fine points

  • bottles of hand or dish soap (refill size is also welcome)

  • tissues (PLEASE!!)

  • disinfectant wipes

NOTE: If you ever find that you aren't sure what to do with items you no longer wish to keep please feel free to reach out about possibly donating them to the Art Department.

Summarized Program of Studies:
Art I/II: Students will be learning about the elements of art in Art I and the principles of design in Art II through daily sketching, a variety of media including pastels, paints, 3-D forms, and more. Art history is included in our studies as well. Students will have opportunities to participate in art shows, community projects, and school spirit events.

Rules and Consequences:
1. Always be working
2. Be respectful and polite
3. Clean up
4. Don't misuse materials
5. Exert your best effort
6. Follow ALL school rules

When rules are broken, the student will first receive a warning from the teacher. Upon further infractions students may be assigned a new seat, a call to parents/guardians, and/or a discipline referral depending on the nature of the infraction.

Academic Procedures:

  1. Students will retrieve their materials and begin warm-up/bell ringer activities. Art I and II students will usually begin with the Art of the Day assignments.

  2. The teacher will signal the end of bell work and verbally discuss instructions before students are to begin working. Students who are absent should check online resources for the day's activities. Always email your teacher if you still feel unsure about the assignment after checking. Missed assignments can be completed before/after school by appointment or at home. Using class time to catch up on late assignments does not work because you will then be missing the current work.

  3. Students will work quietly in their seats and use all materials properly. They will discontinue talking when the teacher asks for attention. No headphones are permitted during instruction and no more than one is permitted during studio work time.

  4. Students will ask permission before leaving the room and sign out appropriately. No food or drinks are permitted near artwork or computers.

  5. Students are to use all extra time during and after projects completion on their additional assignments. Students are provided a hard copy of the Year-Long Sketches assignment and links can be found here: ART I or ART II

  6. Students are responsible for turning in completed projects directly to the teacher on the assigned due date. 7% of the total possible score may be deducted per day late up to 5 days.

  7. When the teacher signals clean up, students are to clean and store materials properly, put their work in the assigned location, and return to their seat until the bell rings. DO NOT wait at the door for the bell to ring!

Grading rubrics are posted and available for each project that outline the expectations and grading process. Assignments are graded on a numerical scale in different categories of competencies for any particular project. The categories usually consist of criteria such as: included criteria, craftsmanship, originality and creativity, use of design principles/elements of art, teamwork, and self-challenge. Please recognize that the goal is for students to master content and demonstrate both mastery AND growth through application, so consideration is given to individual abilities on many exercises.
Numerical grading scale:
89.5-100 Significantly above average
79.5-89.4 Above average
69.5-79.4 Average
59.5-69.4 Below average
0-59.4 significantly below average/no evidence

  • You can find the BCPS grading Policy here: