Class Procedures

In my classroom, students are expected to THINK about their words and actions and how they impact the classroom environment. My goal is to ensure that every student is provided with a safe and comfortable learning environment. It is each of my student's responsibility to make sure their impact on Liberty Middle School is positive and that they strive to follow the rules and expectations while at school. Using the acronym THINK, I hope to turn my students into mature leaders capable of achieving great things!


For the 2017-2018 school year the following steps will be followed when dealing with disruptive and inappropriate student behavior. If at any time a student’s behavior is extremely disruptive or he/she has committed a serious school infraction the teacher should contact the office and request an administrator immediately to intervene.

  1. Teacher will have classroom rules and responsibilities clearly posted and review these rules several times the first few weeks of school and throughout the year. (You may have your students assist in creating these rules and responsibilities)
  2. 1st offense, student will be re-directed and the specific behavior addressed. If the behavior already appears to be the start of a pattern or something more CALL THE PARENT that day. Try to contact through home phone number and cell phone number.
  3. 2nd offense, if the behavior continues, speak with the student privately to correct the problem and contact the student’s parents to address the specific behavior you are seeing in the classroom. Record this contact in the parental contact log (request conference if needed). This behavior results in a PBIS Expectation Violation and should be documented in Google.
  4. 3rd offense, student BMC and parent called.
  5. Any additional offenses may result in an Office Referral.
US Syallbus 2017-2018.docx

Above is our class syllabus. Also available on Google Classroom. Please reference this for contact information and class information.