What is a School Counselor?

The school counseling program is designed to help students, teachers, and parents develop positive school experiences. The school counselor provides a variety of support services and activities; which include individual and small group counseling, classroom guidance, parent/teacher consultations, student observations, referral services, and coordination of school programs.

A teacher, parent, administrator, or student may initiate a referral for individual or group counseling services as a need arises. Counseling emphasis is on early intervention strategies to help the student acquire the knowledge and skills to reach desired goals. If a student requires extended counseling services, or if a crisis situation is presented, a referral will be provided for services outside of school.

What services do I provide?

School Counselors provide services to students in a variety of ways.

Classroom Guidance Lessons

These lessons are for the entire class and are presented every other week. Topics include good citizenship, understanding feelings of self and others, problem solving skills, friendship skills, and social/emotional learning. Classroom guidance lessons focus on the Virginia Standards for School Counseling Programs to impart learning opportunities in personal, social, academic, and career development. Lessons are designed to be both developmental and preventive.  

Small Group Counseling

A variety of small group counseling is offered to students who may benefit from spending some extra time developing academic, social, or emotional skills along with their peers, who are coping with similar life situations.  Examples of group topics include: divorce, social skills, and grief/loss. Group size differs according to need and members usually meet once a week for several weeks.  Parent permission is requested prior to student participation. 

Individual Counseling

Some students can benefit from one-on-one counseling regarding academic, social, or emotional challenges they are facing.  It focuses on the development of specific goals to cope with individual issues, practice social skills, enhance positive attitudes, promote personal responsibility, and respect for self and others.  All services are confidential.  Parent permission is required for extended services.