Hello, my name is Anne Gold and I have been teaching here at Boonsboro Elementary School for 28 years. I started off teaching Kindergarten, moved to first grade, moved to third grade, came back to Kindergarten and now back to first! I have always loved first grade and I am elated to be teaching it again.
I grew up in Perrowville which is in Forest, Virginia. I went to Forest Elementary and Jefferson Forest High School where I graduated in 1984. Yes, that makes me old! I live in the Boonsboro area with my husband Paul, my two mini dashchunds, and my bird Cricket. I love animals and being outside on the water.My son Benjamin is a former Boonsboro Eagle. He just turned 22!

Here is the link for the school breakfast and lunch menu.


Important Dates for April

April 2 - Report Cards

April 5-8 Spring Break

April 16 - PTA Drive Through 5-7 pm

Schedule - Gold 2020-2021