About me

A little about me...

I am not only a math teacher, but a wife and a mother. My husband, Dave, and I have been married for 10 years and we have two children. My daughter, Anna, is 8 and in 3rd grade. My son, Ryan, is 5 and in kindergarten In my spare time, I like to read, drink coffee, go to the pool, and exercise - I like to walk, run, and do barre. I ran in my first half marathon in February 2020 in Disney World!

I started teaching in 2008 at Forest Middle School. I taught 8th grade for 6 years. In 2014, I became a stay-at-home-mom and part time remediation teacher at FMS for 4 years and returned to full time teaching in 2018 as a 7th grade math teacher at FMS. Last year was an interesting year through all of the changes and uncertainty. I am looking forward to what this year holds as we return to a more normal routine.

Please know that I do my best to help you where I can. Reach out and let me know how I can help.