Careers Advice Guidance


It is the vision of Beckmead College, that our students will leave ready with thorough knowledge of the many paths available to them. They will be informed and enthusiastic about the road ahead with the skills and confidence to continue their journey with success. It is also the overall aim that at Beckmead College we will encourage the students to meet the eight Gatsby Benchmarks, through a well- planned career programme.

Gatsby Benchmark 1 - Stable career programme 

Gatsby Benchmark 2 - Learn about the Labour market

Gatsby Benchmark 3 - Addressing the needs of our students

Gatsby Benchmark 4 - Linking our curriculum to Careers

Gatsby Benchmark 5 - Employers & Employee Encounters

Gatsby Benchmark 6 - Experience of Workplaces

Gatsby Benchmark 7 - Further and higher education encounters

Gatsby Benchmark 8 - Personal Guidance