Careers Advice Guidance
It is the vision of Beckmead College, that our students will leave ready with thorough knowledge of the many paths available to them. They will be informed and enthusiastic about the road ahead with the skills and confidence to continue their journey with success. It is also the overall aim that at Beckmead College we will encourage the students to meet the eight Gatsby Benchmarks, through a well- planned career programme.
Gatsby Benchmark 1 - Stable career programme
To provide a broad, balanced and impartial education in careers and future pathways that empowers students with the knowledge to make informed decisions.
Support with completing applications, CVs, personal statements and preparation for interviews
Gatsby Benchmark 2 - Learn about the Labour market
To embed into the curriculum opportunities for students to develop and use employability skills that will allow them the flourish in the world of work.
To provide opportunities to develop key employability skills which would be highly valued by employers.
Give career advice and guidance to support with decision making between different pathways
Gatsby Benchmark 3 - Addressing the needs of our students
To provide comprehensive and accessible careers provision which supports the needs of all students.
To provide coordinated support from external agencies including the local authority where students are vulnerable, have special educational needs or at risk of becoming NEET
Gatsby Benchmark 4 - Linking our curriculum to Careers
To make links between subject areas and careers education to ensure that students see how their academic studies can link to future study and employment.
Provide students with access to a range of careers education and work- related opportunities, for e.g., employer assemblies, workshops and careers fairs.
Gatsby Benchmark 5 - Employers & Employee Encounters
To make links between subject areas and careers education to ensure that students see how their academic studies can link to future study and employment. Attending the apprenticeship seminars/ workshops.
To continue to make links with local employers and community organisations to develop employability skills and to increase awareness about the labour market and employment opportunities available
Gatsby Benchmark 6 - Experience of Workplaces
To continue to make links with future employers, where the Year 10 & Year 11 students can gain work experience throughout the academic year.
To provide meaningful encounters with employers and employees, this may also include workplace visits.
Gatsby Benchmark 7 - Further and higher education encounters
To equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to be fully prepared for their next stage of education whether they choose to go on to university, a college or an apprenticeship.
Careers related learning and opportunities to motivate students to achieve academic success and aspiring to achieve challenging targets
Encourage students to consider all options available to them at post 16, which could include academic and vocational pathways, apprenticeships, and other opportunities from post 16 providers.
Gatsby Benchmark 8 - Personal Guidance
To provide comprehensive and accessible careers provision which supports the needs of all students.
To help students develop into reflective individuals who are empowered to choose their own path through an awareness of their personal qualities and goals.
To give students the opportunity to grow their own networks and develop their cultural capital through careers activities and events which broaden their horizons.
To provide families with relevant information about future pathways that helps them support children in making choices about their future.