ACT Information

The Student ACT website will provides the student with any details from how to register, the fees, test preparation information, practice tests and questions, test dates, etc. Check it out!

MHS School Code

When a MHS student signs up for the the ACT test regardless of the location they are taking the ACT, the student must know Milford High Schools ACT test code. The student can memorize this code or search for it when the are filling out the test application. Milford High School ACT test code is #450-195.

When can you take the ACT test?

Any student that is ready to attempt the ACT can do so. I would recommend you be at least a Sophmore, but you can be younger. Note the test dates and either visit with myself, Mrs. Spaulding or Mrs. Wilson about how to sign up. You can take the ACT anytime you feel you are ready for it. Please be proactive and take this test BEFORE the school wide administration of it in February of your Junior year.