Teacher Resources

This website provides California approved, rigorous English Language development standards in English Language Arts (ELA), mathematics, and science for pupils identified as English learners.

This page provides educators access to information, resources, and guidance on how local educational agencies can welcome, understand, and educate English Learners in California schools.

Glossary of English educational terminology translated into Spanish.

This page provides resources, models, webinars, newsletters, and guidance regarding English learner, immigrant, newcomer, and migratory students during distance learning and the transition to schools reopening during the COVID-19 outbreak.

This page provides links to videos demonstrating designated English language development (ELD) instruction and integrated ELD instruction for English language arts (ELA), mathematics, and science in grade six classrooms.

This practice guide, published by The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) addresses the challenges of students in elementary and secondary school by providing educators with evidence-based, recommended practices to build English language proficiency.

This site gives you direct access to many printed materials and resources, audio, video, blogs, digital tools, and more from the following Federal Institutions: 1) Arlington National Cemetery; 2) Smithsonian; 3) National Park Service; 4) U.S. Department of Treasury, and 5) U.S. Department of State.

This page gives you access to an interactive/editable English Learner Toolkit of Strategies and word documents you can download to build upon the teacher's existing knowledge and experience to support El students in the classroom.

A Policy Research Brief produced by the National Council of Teachers of English.

A guide developed to strengthen educators to meet the learning needs of English learners with disabilities.

This chapter focuses instruction that promotes students’ academic achievement, language development, multilingualism, social and emotional development, and positive identity formation.

This page provides access to information, instructional strategies, videos, and other resources to support English learners in the classroom.