Academic Program

Option 1: ELD Class: Students classified as Level 1 (Emerging) or Level 2 (low- to mid-range Expanding) are enrolled in a designated ELD support class during 4th period (as followed by the adopted District School Calendar if students are on campus):

  • In Distance Learning, students are provided with 65 minutes per class session on a B-Day (as per a District approved Virtual Learning A & B Rotating Schedule).

  • Instructional support is provided in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing utilizing District adopted ELD/ELA curriculum supports, materials and or resources.

  • In addition, a BCLAD certificated teacher utilizes SDAIE strategies, including Universal Tools and Designated supports (as outlined by the CDE) to support instruction.

  • Additional support is provided to English Learners from an ELD Instructional assistant.

  • Name of the specific course that support’s ELL students' is as follows: ELD (all grade-levels)

Option 2: ELD Class and or Designated ELD Time: Students classified as Level 1 (Emerging) or Level 2 (low- mid-range Expanding), and EL students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 plan (as specified) are enrolled in an ELD class or a Special Day Class (as per students IEP) with designated ELD time.

  • This model provides students with 242 minutes per week (as followed by the adopted District School Calendar if students are on campus);

  • In Distance Learning, students are provided with 65 minutes per class session on either an A or B-Day (Virtual Learning A & B Rotating Schedule) as scheduled. Instructional support is provided in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing utilizing the District adopted ELD/ELA curriculum, supports, materials and or resources.

  • CLAD or BCLAD certificated teachers implement SDAIE strategies, including Universal Tools, designated supports, and accommodations (as per students IEPs or 504 plan). Additional support is provided to English Learners periodically from Instructional Assistants.

  • List of specific courses that support EL students are as follows: ELA w/Support 8 (S.A.I.); ELA w/Support 7 (S.A.I); SDC ELA 8; SDC ELA 7; SDC ELA 6, and ELD (all grade-levels).

Option 3: Designated ELD Support Time (within a Class): Students classified as Level 3 (upper Expanding to lower Bridging proficiency) and Level 4 (upper Bridging or Bridging) are mainstreamed in core ELA classes with appropriate support by CLAD certificated teachers.

  • This model, designed for students with reasonable fluency, provides all instruction in English with an emphasis on reading and writing.

  • EL students are supported with differentiated instruction and SDAIE strategies to access the District adopted core curriculum.

  • Students receive designated ELD time in the classroom until the student has acquired proficiency in English.

  • Students needing additional support are also enrolled in an ELA Intervention class as an elective, which is designed to provide additional ELD instruction and support with research-based ELL strategies.

  • All students are closely monitored to ensure correct placement and needs for additional support.

  • Additional support is provided to English Learners periodically from an Instructional Assistant for students with an IEP (if indicated in the document). List of specific courses that support EL students are as follows: ELA 6, ELA 7, ELA 8, and ELA Intervention.