Weapons of Vietnam

Napalm was used to burn the jungle vegetation , which in turn made the VietCong Positions easier to see for the air and take away area in which they could operate in. This also weakened there fortifications or defences.

Agent orange was used to kill the jungle,and its cover that the VietCong could be using for cover against U.S troops. Agent orange was part of many chemicals used during the Vietnam war like agent yellow and pink.

The weapons used by the men on the ground were very different from each other. Most of the weapons used by the Vietcong were weapons of Russian or Chinese origin. They were also used in WW2. The weapons used by the United States were from the U.S and were more modern for the time period, and for the most part, of a higher quality. Although, the U.S had a few problems with some of their weapons during the war, most of the problems were eventually fixed.

Flamethrowers were commonly used in Vietnam to burn the jungle to make way for troops,vehicles,and to destroy VietCong cover. The M67A2 flamethrower tank was also used to clear the jungle and decimate VietCong positions.