

Hello! I am Ms. Franklin, the elementary art teacher for the 2022-2023 school year! My goal for the art classroom is to make art a positive experience for all students, regardless of their artistic ability. I am excited to see the students' creative brains and how they express themselves in my classroom. Students can expect the art room to be a safe, respectful, and creative space. I am looking forward to creating a positive community in the art room!

Fun Facts About Ms. Franklin

  • Ms. Franklin graduated from Blue Earth Area in 2016

  • Ms. Franklin obtained her bachelor's degree in Art Education and a minor in Spanish from Minnesota State University - Mankato in 2020

  • Sometimes, Ms. Franklin does archery (shooting bow and arrows) competitively

  • She has two cats - Bubba and Lucille (Click through the photos above to see them!)

  • She LOVES plants and how they make a room feel comfy and cozy (She may or may not have more than 40 plants in her house...)