Bearspaw Christian School 

Senior High Course Registration Information

Teaching Minds... Reaching Hearts.... Transforming Our World



It’s exciting to plan your high school program to achieve your graduation and post-secondary goals and we’re happy to help you with this important endeavour! There are 3 main areas to consider when planning your senior high program:

Your Interests/Giftings

What areas interest you and what gifts God has given you.  

Are you strong in:

Your Plans for after High School

Your Academic Abilities

If post-secondary education is something you know you will be pursuing, it is very important to research the admission requirements of the post-secondary institutions you are interested in attending.  Many post-secondary schools have different admission requirements for specific programs. Please note that early admission, which is conditional, is based on Grade 11 marks and secured by Grade 12 final marks. 

Whether you have post-secondary education plans or not, BCS encourages all students and their parents to have realistic expectations.  Too often students choose a high academic program of study and then experience frustration and stress because they do not meet their expectations for success.  At BCS we want all students to work hard to achieve personal academic excellence and therefore we encourage them to choose a program where they will achieve success.

Note:  There is a great website that can help you plan.  Go to Alberta Learning Information Services (ALIS) and click “I am still in high school.”

After reviewing the registration information with your parent or guardian, please complete the appropriate Course Preference Form below for your grade next year. Please be sure the form is signed by your parent or guardian.

If there are any issues with your selections, you can edit your entry until May 2, 2024. If you need to change your courses after that date, please see Mrs. Bouma.


Grade Credits

At Bearspaw Christian School, senior high school students are required to carry the following credit loads, which include a 3-credit Bible course at each grade level.

Grade 10: minimum 42 credits (full course load – no study blocks)

Grade 11: minimum 36 credits (one optional study block per semester)

Grade 12: minimum 31 credits (one optional study block per day)

Students in Grades 11 or 12 who are not enrolled in a class are considered to be on a study block.  There is an expectation that this time will be used to complete assignments, homework, projects and to study and prepare for classes.

Course Withdrawals

Senior high students are required to make a course withdrawal application by the end of the third week of the semester. After this date, students may be denied withdrawal from a course. Should a student withdraw from a course, he/she must still maintain a credit load in accordance with the Grade Credits plan outlined above.

Independent Learning Program (ILP)

To increase the variety of elective courses we offer, students have the option of taking specified courses at BCS through online learning as part of our Independent Learning Program, however the following criteria will be considered.

2.  A high percentage of students struggle with independent learning and often do not complete and/or pass online courses.

3.  Students will be assigned a location and time to work on ILP courses.

4.  ILP courses must be completed before the end of the semester in which the course was begun.

5.  The student/parent pays for any online materials or course fees.

Courses taught by BCS teachers are not offered through the Independent Learning Program (ILP).  The school designs a timetable and employs staff to teach courses based on student enrollment – if students take these courses through ILP, our classes will not be full which negatively impacts our ability to run a senior high program.

Students who wish to take ILP courses should meet the following eligibility requirements in order to participate in the program.

If you are interested in taking an ILP course, please speak directly with Mrs. Bouma

Senior High School Courses Required For Graduation

The courses listed below are required for graduation at BCS. In addition to these mandated courses, elective courses are required to fulfill the Grade Credits plan outlined previously.

Grade 10

Bible 10  (3 credits)

Career & Life Management (CALM – 3 credits)

English 10-1 (5 credits)

Math 10-C (5 credits)

Physical Education 10 (3 credits)

Science 10 (5 credits)

Social Studies 10-1 (5 credits)

Technology 10 (3 credits)

Grade 11

Bible 20 (3 credits)

Career and Life Management (CALM) – if it was not taken in Grade 10 (3 credits)

English 20-1 or English 20-2 (5 credits)

Math 20-1 or Math 20-2 – see Math Program flowchart (5 credits)

Science 20 course – see Science Program flowchart (5 credits)

Social Studies 20-1 or Social Studies 20-2 (5 credits)

Grade 12

Bible 30 (3 credits)

English 30-1 or English 30-2 (5 credits)

Social Studies 30-1 or Social Studies 30-2 (5 credits)

10 additional credits in other 30 level courses

10 additional credits in other courses - Career & Technology Studies (Tech 10, Sports Pro, Law, Foods, etc), Fine Arts (Art, Drama), Second Language (Latin), or PE 20/30

Summary of Alberta High School Diploma Requirements


Mathematics Program Flow Chart

Science Program Flow Chart

Senior High School Courses Offered At BCS

English Language Arts (5 credits)

English 10-1

English 20-1, English 20-2

English 30-1, English 30-2

Social Studies (5 credits)

Social Studies 10-1

Social Studies 20-1, Social Studies 20-2

Social Studies 30-1, Social Studies 30-2

Math (5 credits)

Math 10-C

Math 20-1, Math 20-2

Math 30-1, Math 30-2, Math 31 (Calculus)

Sciences (5 credits)

Science 10, 

Biology 20, Chemistry 20, Physics 20 

Biology 30, Chemistry 30, Physics 30, Science 30

Bible (3 credits)

Bible 10 (Christian Leadership)

Bible 20 (Religious Ethics)

Bible 30 (Religious Meanings – Apologetics)

CALM (3 credits)

Career and Life Management 20

Electives (3 credits unless otherwise indicated)

Depending on student interest, the following elective courses may be offered:

Abnormal Psychology (Personal Psychology 20 Prerequisite) (3 credits)

BioEthics (Biology 20 Prerequisite) (3 credits)

Business/Finance (3 credits)

Creative Writing (3 credits)

*Drama (3 credits)      

Experimental Psychology (3 credits)        

Film and Design (3 credits)

*Foods (3 credits)  

Forensics 25/35 (3 credits)             

Green Certificate (3 credits)

*Latin 20 (5 credits but only ONE box)

*Latin 30 (Prerequisite Latin 20) (5 credits but only ONE box)

*Law – Civil (3 credits) 

*Law -- Criminal (3 credits)                  

Personal Psychology (3 credits)

Philosophy 20 (3 credits)

*Physical Education 20/30 (3 credits)

*Sports Performance (3 credits)             

World History 30 (3 credits)  

Additionally, select online courses are available through our Independent Learning Program (ILP). (Please speak directly with Mrs. Bouma for more information)

*Counts towards the “10 additional credits” requirement (e.g., CTS including Tech 10, Fine Arts, Second Language (Latin), PE 20/30)


MyPass is the Alberta government's online application for students to:

*Please note this is an Alberta Education program and is not managed by BCS


    Scholarships Canada 

    Students can create a profile on this website and they will be matched with other potential scholarships that they can apply for.

Student Aid Alberta

The Government of Alberta offers scholarships and awards to encourage and reward the excellence of Albertans in post-secondary studies.

Alis Alberta 

Post Secondary will cost money, but students may be eligible for scholarships, bursaries, and grants to help pay for their education.

     Scholar Tree

     ScholarTree is an online platform that helps students pay for their education through scholarships.

     Student Awards

     This searchable database helps you sort scholarship opportunities by province, school, award value, difficulty, level of study and more.

     Student Scholarships 

Largest collection of Scholarships on the web. has been providing scholarship information to students since 2003.

    Scholarship Chart

Enclosed is a document that lists a variety of available scholarships.

Students will need to verify deadlines and criteria for each award or scholarship.

Awards/Calgary Foundation

Calgary Foundation provides financial support to help students to achieve their goals through numerous scholarships, awards & bursaries.

     Post Secondary Institutions 

    After submitting an application to the post-secondary program students can apply for scholarships which are specific to that institution,          e.g., University of Alberta, University of Calgary, Mount Royal University and SAIT.

Career Direct

Career Direct

Career Direct is a comprehensive career assessment system that combines biblical principles with cutting-edge career guidance technology and statistics.

Career Direct examines four essential components of career selection: personality, interests, skills, and values. 

A fee of $240 CAD covers both the assessment and the consultation. Cheryl Martens is our BCS contact, so if you are interested email her directly at to get the process started. 


Abnormal Psychology

This is a course we are currently developing and we will update this description soon. The Prerequisite for this course is Psychology 20


This is a course we are currently developing and we will update this description soon. The Prerequisite is Biology 20 for this course


This is a course we are currently developing and we will update this description soon.

Creative Writing

This is a course we are currently developing and we will update this description soon.

Drama 10/20/30

Drama is both an art form and a medium for learning and teaching.  It can develop the whole person – emotionally, physically, intellectually, imaginatively, aesthetically and socially – by giving form and meaning to experience through “acting out.”  It fosters positive group interaction as students learn to make accommodations in order to pursue shared goals.  These goals will be achieved through the acquisition of dramatic skills:  movement, speech, acting, improvisation, playwriting, theatre studies and technical theatre design.

*There is a $50 fee for this course

Experimental Psychology 30

This course builds on the knowledge gained in Psychology 20. Examine the history of experimental psychology in addition to conditioning, personality, mental illness, development, and the application of psychology in our world. Define, explore and understand consequences of “abnormal” behavior and psychological conditions through group work and a research project.

Foods 10/20/30

In wanting to assist young people in the development of “daily living skills,” BCS’ Food Studies program has been expanded and separated at the senior high level.  Foods courses focus on developing career awareness, safety standards and knowledge of tools, and equipment and materials related to the industry.  Students will have the opportunity to explore, orient themselves towards, and prepare products within the culinary fieldIn summary, students will learn more about the food service industry, and they will gain valuable, life-long food preparation skills.

Foods 10* -- Food Basics, (a prerequisite for further modules), Contemporary Baking, and Snacks & Appetizers.

Foods 20 – Creative Cold Foods, Soups & Sauces, and Cake & Pastry.

Foods 30 – Food Presentation, Short Order Cooking, and Creative Baking. 

*If Foods 10 was not taken, please see the teacher prior to registering to make special arrangements.

Field trips, guest chefs, and practical demonstrations will further enhance these courses.  A love of cooking and enjoyment of the culinary arts form the foundation for any of these course offerings! 

There is a $200 fee for each course (Foods 10, 20, or 30) to cover food costs.

Forensics 25

Forensic science is the application of scientific principles, methods, and technologies for the purpose of solving debates including legal proceedings. Through the study of forensic science, students are given the opportunity to explore how scientific concepts from a variety of disciplines (biology, chemistry, and physics) apply specifically to this unique field. This course will promote the importance of scientific literacy and problem-solving techniques.  

Film and Design

This is a course we are currently developing and we will update this description soon.

Green Certificate

This option will be focused on plant structures and propagation techniques for indoor and outdoor plants. Students will learn about plant diversity and growth requirements, particularly for local plants for outdoor planting as well as in a greenhouse.

Latin 20/30

Students will progress through the Cambridge University Latin programme in this course.  This unique programme enables students to learn Latin in an engaging, entertaining manner.  The study of Latin has seen a recent surge in popularity and helps students considering a future in medicine, science or law. It also provides a firm foundation for the study of languages that are based on Latin. Latin is taught for reading purposes and students will focus on translating Latin into English rather than English into Latin.  There is also a history component of this course which examines Roman history and daily life.

Law – Private (Civil)

This course examines the legal relationships between individuals.  The three CTS components covered in this course are Private Law 1010, Family Law 2010, and Negligence Law 3040.  These courses enable students to understand the laws that govern their relations with others. There is no prerequisite for this course and it is open to students in Grades 10, 11 and 12.

Law Public (Criminal)

In this course students will explore the legal relationship between the government and the citizen through CTS courses Public Law 1020 and Criminal Law 3080.  We will also examine the laws governing the employer/employee relationship in the CTS course Employment Law 2020.  Mock trials will enable students to understand how our courts operate.  This course could lead to careers in many different aspects of the legal system from judges or lawyers to police officers and areas of law enforcement.  There is no prerequisite for this course and it is open to students in Grades 10, 11 and 12. 

PE 20/30

Physical Education 20 and 30 expand on students’ development of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to lead active, healthy lifestyles. Students will be expected to participate in a wide variety of environments all while fostering cooperative relationships with others and pursuing personal health benefits. The following activities may be covered in PE 20/30 table tennis, squash, pickleball, badminton, golf, curling, swimming, rock climbing, bocce, Kan Jam, Spikeball, Takraw, Omnikin ball, disc golf, Ultimate Frisbee, fencing and other sports. PE 20/30 students are also required to volunteer for 10 hours in a sports and recreation environment at BCS. 

There is a $200 fee for each course to cover field trips.

Personal Psychology 20

Personal Psychology 20 is an introduction to psychology. The different sections in this course will reflect the diverse study of psychology, from the science of the brain to the more philosophical theories of how we develop our own unique personalities. Students will also learn about the different branches of psychology ranging from child psychology to neuroscience. When students have completed this course, they will have a basic understanding of what psychology is and will have gained some insight into their own behaviour and personality. There is no prerequisite for this course and it is open to students in Grades 10, 11 and 12.

Philosophy 20

Welcome to Philosophy! These two classes are designed to help you to understand how and why we think and act as we do.  As Goethe said 300 years ago, “he who cannot draw on three thousand years is living from hand to mouth.”  Our current culture does not encourage individuals to think deeply about their lives; this course requires you to make the attempt.  Because of the nature of the course, you will be involved with questioning…everything: the nature of reality, religion, politics, reasoning and ethics, so be prepared to critically explore what YOU believe about all of these concepts. It is my sincere desire that, as you study this course, you not only develop a better understanding of your culture, you develop a deeper understanding of your SELF.

Sports Performance

Sports Performance is a great option for anyone interested in medicine, kinesiology, nursing, sports, physiotherapy, chiropractics, physical education, personal training, coaching, camps, and many other health-related fields!  Throughout this course, you will become familiar with current health and fitness issues facing Canadians and subsequent research-based solutions. Students are placed on a customized credit pathway designed for BCS students to continue taking sports performance throughout high school. 

The Sports Performance format is anything but traditional! Students work through their modules in a flipped-classroom environment, where they work at their own pace allowing the teacher more time with each student to more closely monitor progress, ensure comprehension, answer specific questions in small groups or individually and reduce homework. The majority of the semester is spent in the practical application phase which takes place in the weight room and gymnasium.  

In accordance with the Long Term Athlete Development plan, sports performance students learn to train, train to train, and train to compete by completing detailed periodized training plans consisting of speed, power, strength and endurance pillars in small groups. This course can be taken up to 5 times completing 3 different modules per semester. Sports Performance Course Listing

There is a $100 course fee for the First Aid CPR-C with AED certification module which is offered only in first semester.

World History 30

This course is a survey of world history from Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, to the Medieval world.  We will also examine the Renaissance and Reformation.  Students will earn three 30 level credits which will count toward your Alberta High School Diploma requirements.  There is no prerequisite for this course and it is open to students in Grades 10, 11 and 12.