KB - Mrs. Richie
Welcome to the Bear Creek Community Charter School Family! I am thrilled to have your child as a part of our Kindergarten family.
Please check this page for reminders and announcements.
Spring Festival/Field Trip/Field Day Shirt Sign-Up
Please click this LINK to order your child(ren) their FREE Spring Festival/Field Trip/Field Day shirt. The design of the shirt and the color for each grade has not been decided yet, but we wanted to get a jump-start on size ordering.
Important Information & Upcoming Events
March 3-7 Read Across America Week/ Spirit Week - Please see the schedule sent home in your child's folder.
March 3-7 Scholastic Book Fair (Tues: K, 4, 6-8; Wed. 1-3, 5)
March 12 PTO Meeting: 6:00 p.m.
March 27 All Pro Dad Breakfast 7:25 a.m.
March 28 No School for Students/ Teacher In-Service
Please email me at
or call 570-820-4070 Ext. 7102.
Teacher Contact Info:
Mrs. Richie: