
Wellbeing Audit (At school version)

To understand how the school's places, people and equipment impact on Beacon Hill School's wellbeing, we did an audit.

Explaining what the audit showed.

These photos show how I worked collaboratively with my classmates to consider what might be the strengths and weaknesses of how BHS with regards to nurturing the wellbeing of its community, and which elements of wellbeing are clearly being thought about.

Think, feel and care

This is my thinking on how students might respond to the idea that 'the playground needs more quiet areas for students to be mindful and chill' might is positively impacting on their wellbeing.

Wellbeing Audit (At home version)

Similar to the wellbeing audit we did at school, this wellbeing audit is recording on how the people, places and equipment impact on my home's well

Think, Feel, Care

Here is my thinking about the types of action that can be seen in our ideas for how to impact positively on the wellbeing of the school community. I am beginning to think that my ideas will help the school community in many ways and I will also need to find out if the idea is worth innovating after asking some questions.


3/25/21 Getting ready to find out more.

Here is my planner for the interview I designed to find out more about how my innovation might impact on other people's well being. To complete this task I needed to use these AtLs:

  • Formulating questions

Interview Summary:

Most of the caretakers that I interviewed said that they support the idea

and they think it would majorly affect their daily routine in a good way. However, some caretakers said that my innovation is needed to be controlled and monitored just in case of any malfunctions or unexpected disasters. These responses made me reconsider my idea and what needs to be improved, after thinking about my innovation and what they said, I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to change some parts of my innovation.

Through the interview, I also found out that the cleaners might need some help at cleaning the school because. The reason

I think that is because all their responses lean towards the fact that they are short in manpower when cleaning.