Tuning in...


Title:Case study winter gardening.

title: Case study innovations of watching movies during coronavirus-lockdown

date: 3rd march


What was the need that was identified?

answer: Watching movies during coronavirus-lockdown.

How did people feel?

answer: Sad, missed the cinemas


Why was it a challenge?

answer: Becuase we can't go out, and the shops and cinemas are closed .-.

What specific problem did the innovator try to solve?

answer: Still watching/enjoy movies during lockdown.


How did the innovator solve the problem or address the challenge?

answer: They watched movies at home and making homemade POPCORN, they also invited others to enjoy it with them, so basically they made a home cinema.

How might you have solved the problem? (Try to think of at least 6 ideas)


Watching 123movies.

Watch Netflix.

Watch other things.

Watching it virtually with friends. .-.

don't watch anything, just do other things.


Choose one of your ideas to solve the problem and sketch out a plan.

answer: We can watch Netflix (a great software to watch movies and stuff) not a sponsor btw


What worked about the innovator’s original idea?

answer: They still enjoyed it tho they weren't at the cinema.

What changes were made or might need to be made?

answer: They changed the lights so it matched the dark scene in the cinemas.

What aspects of wellbeing did it address? (Think 5 ways or the 7 dimensions.)

answer: Emotional wellbeing and social wellbeing............