
Empathise means to understand and share feelings of another.

I have interviewed Mrs. Craig, Ms. Sanghvi, and my mum and some lower school students about having a help club. Below the pradlet shows their responses . Also, there is my short video for the introduction. I hope you like it!

The table shows idea of the teacher, parent and student about my helping club. It tells their thinking, feeling and caring of my innovation.

This is the summary of my interveiw about having a "Helping Club" for the lower school students.

The infographic of the view of people having a "Help Club".

The photo of interviewing the lower school students (Year 1 and Year 2)

The table shows my interview data.

The table below shows the aduit of how the elements of the school impact on the community's wellbeing.

The table below shows the aduit of how the elements of the home impact on the community's wellbeing.