Beacon Chain | Ethereum 2.0 Explorer | Eth staking

A hypersonic exordium of the Beacon Chain innards

A slight change can impact the intact mechanism of any trade. Several components comply altogether to help investors enjoy trade. Each component acts as a block on which the whole building of trade activities is dependent.

But, in the last few months, a revolution took place in the Ethereum ecosystem that has impacted the complete crypto automaton. 

Throughout this piece of information, we have invested great efforts to gather crucial information on the Beacon Chain Ethereum 2.0 explainer. Full of technicalities, you may find this read quite complicated but we have tried to explain it in layman’s language.

Take a look at it.

What is a Beacon Chain?

This concept has been defined differently by different experts of this field. Or in other terms, we can say, that there is a conflict between the opinions of the experts while defining this concept. Emerged dates back on December 01, 2020, this is termed as the authentic name given to the PoS, and it is with this chain that PoS got welcomed into the Ethereum ecosystem. 

Some of the experts of this field defined it as the name of the ledger of accounts that took the initiative of conducting and coordinating the network of the Ethereum stakers before they (stakers) take action to kick-start validating the transactions of real Ethereum.

One of the grounds where the Ethereum Beacon Chain Explorer lacks is that it doesn’t support the interactions of the smart contracts nor does it process transactions. 

What did the Beacon Chain do?

What’s the functionality of the Beacon chain is a matter of great concern and this is what most of the investors are looking for. Right?

You too might be wondering what is the role of this chain. To answer it precisely, it is the fundamental element that works behind the veil to bring a secure, environment-friendly, and scalable Ethereum that investors are currently holding. Further, by introducing the Consensus engine/Consensus layer, it has added several necessary improvements to the working of Ethereum. 

The upgrades of the Beacon Chain

Everything that gets introduced in any segment does leave its impact behind. The same is the case here with this chain. With the evolution of this chain, PoS stepped into the Ethereum ecosystem, and gradually after that staking and sharding also took place.

These were introduced with the main objective of improving the efficiency of the Ethereum ecosystem.  Earlier, mining was a popular activity that exists in trading but it does involve a lot of energy and also lead to large-upfront expenditure occurring out of the powerful hardware. All these led to the emergence of staking and sharding.

Here’s how to trace the progress of your validator

If you have invested in the Beacon chain then managing it and tracking its process becomes quite crucial. You can monitor how well your validator is performing by getting yourself registered on the open-source Ethereum blockchain explorer.

After reaching the official website of the Ethereum blockchain explorer, follow the below-laid steps to get enrolled:

Navigate to the top right side of the screen, look for “Sign Up” and hit it

You’ll then get landed on the next page carrying a registration form. Make out  the form with accurate information

Give your consent by marking a tick mark in the box before “Terms of Use” and “Privacy Policy”

To finish the registration process, hit on “Register”

This is how you can get yourself registered, but to track the performance of the investment that you have made, you’ll have to complete another short process.

Login Steps

To know what to do in this process, give a quick peep underneath:

Understanding the configurations of the intact Beacon Chain wallet token mechanism

Every operation is a combination of several small processes. The small operations altogether act as fuel to a particular mechanism. Here also several concepts are involved that are quite technical. Thus, to ensure that these technicalities don’t restrict you from understanding this concept we have put efforts into explaining the basic terminology associated with it.

While performing staking, there are certain rewards and penalties involved that impact the working of the staking. To name them precisely, they are attester rewards, attester penalties, the downside risk for stakers, proposer rewards, inactivity leak penalty, and slashing & whistleblower rewards. 

In order to get activated a validator requires a minimum of 32 ETH. In simple words when a user employs 32 ETH into the Beacon Chain Sign up deposit contract on Ethereum Manniet then one validator gets activated. Once the balance of the validators reaches 16 ETH they get deactivated by the Beacon chain. This process of deactivation is alternatively known as “Forced Exit”. Further, validators do have the option of making a “Voluntary Exit”. They can make this exit by serving for 2048 epochs in around 9 days.

Epochs- what’s that?

To understand it, you’ll have to first learn what is a slot. A slot is an opportunity for a block to get added to the Beacon chain. It should be noted that one slot i.e. of 12 seconds gets added when the system runs optimally. In much simple language, a slot is a block time and an epoch is a compilation of 32 slots.

Beacon Chain Checkpoints: A block in the first slot of an epoch is referred to as the checkpoint.

Know the cause of its degraded performance

There are no Beacon Chain issues that have been recorded. However, it has been reported that its performance has been degraded in the past few weeks. After having an insight into the complete matter it has been figured that the performance of the Beacon chain dropped down because of the “Finality issue”. 

What’s the Finality issue?- This is what you are wondering right now.

This term is quite technical and explaining it might involve some jargon words. Thus, to interpret in simple words, for getting a rough idea, we can say that 2/3 of the total stakes (a state of a supermajority of validators) claim that a block and the transactions processed through it cannot be altered or modified. 

In short, when the chain encounters issues in confirming transactions, then it is referred to as the “Finality issue”. However, the issue is fixed now and users can seamlessly carry out their activities.

Wrapping it up!!

Revolutionizing the complete mechanism of the Ethereum ecosystem, the Beacon chain Login is a coordination body of the new network. Further, it is accountable for creating new blocks, ensuring that they are valid, and then rewarding the validators with the ETH for safeguarding the network. This chain is currently in existence but it runs separately from the original Ethereum Manniet.


Is the Beacon Chain a blockchain? 

Yeah!! It is a blockchain that came into existence to ensure that PoS Consensus logic is sound and compatible to sustain before making it run on the Ethereum Manniet. 

What is the Beacon Chain merge? 

The Merge- An event that resulted in unifying the two blockchains into one i.e. the PoS Ethereum chain. This historical event took place on September 15, 2022. 

Is BNB the same as Beacon Chain? 

No, both are interdependent on each other. BNB is the composition of the BNB Beacon chain and BNB Smart chain. 

What is the staking yield on the Beacon Chain? 

The computed current staking yield ranges around 8.92%, whereas the average rewards out of staking are anticipated at around 7.89%. 

When did the Beacon Chain launch? 

It came into emergence on December 01, 2020. Known as the father of introducing PoS to the Ethereum ecosystem it has brought several other improvements. 

What is the difference between smart chain and Beacon Chain? 

Smart chain is an EVM-compatible blockchain responsible for adding programmability and interoperability to the ecosystem of BNB. On the other hand, the BNB Beacon chain functions as a governance layer to the BNB ecosystem.