Prevocalic and Vocalic R

Why is R so hard.pdf

There are two basic types of R sounds:  Prevocalic R and Vocalic R

A Prevocalic R is when the R comes before a vowel in a syllable (ring, round, rain, parrot, cherry, etc.).  This R sound is typically easier to say compared to the vocalic R.

A Vocalic R is when the R comes after a vowel  (water, star, ear, storm, etc.).  These R sounds are typically harder to say compared to the prevocalic R because each vowel changes how you say the R.

How to Make R.pdf

Prevocalic R Practice

Vocalic R Practice

Initial R tips
r all positions check off.pdf
Initial R Flashcards- 4
Vocalic R flashcards
Vocalic R TIC TAC TOE.pdf
Initial R Word Search.pdf
intiial r gameboard.pdf
I can find vocalic R 2 word count.pdf
Dot Game- ER
Initial R Tic Tac Toe
Dot Game- R
Vocalic R word lists
Vocalic R- Big R.pdf
Iniital R Coloring Page.pdf
Articulation to Amaze.pdf

High Frequency "R" Books

The Big Red Sled- Jane Gerver

Dinnertime!- Sue Williams

I Like Red- Robert Bright

My Rhinoceros- Jon Agee

Rain- Manya Stojic

Ravenous Ralph- Julie Brinckloe

Red is Best- Kathy Stinson

Roaring Rockets- Tony Mitton

Roll Over- Merle Peek

Rosie Rabbit's Radish- Wendy Cheyette Lewison

Running Rhino- Mwenye Hadithi

Ten Monsters in a Bed- Rozanne Lanczak Williams

Ten Red Apples- Pat Hutchins

Bear that Says Thanks- Karma Wilson

Oh, the Thinks you can Think- Dr. Seuss

This Train- Paul Collicut