Teacher/Principal Evaluation Program - TPEP

The Teacher/Principal Evaluation Program is the system of evaluation for all teachers and principals in Washington State K-12 public schools. The eight criteria are defined in law. WAC 392-191A-60, WAC 392-191-A 150.

Districts choose one of three frameworks to assess these criteria. Burlington-Edison School District utilizes Charlotte Danielson's Framework for Teaching.


Teacher Rubrics

Charlotte Danielson's Framework for Teaching: teacher evaluations.


Principal Rubrics

AWSP Leadership Framework: principal evaluations.


Accessing eVAL

eVAL is a web tool provided by OSPI to help manage the flow of information during TPEP evaluations. eVAL is accessed through eDS. This document will help you get access to eVAL through eDS.

Click here to access eVAL through eDS.

What does the evaluation process look like?

At the start of the year the teacher uses eVAL to complete the self assessment on all 27 subcriteria (and 8 criteria). These results will be discussed at a goal setting conference with the evaluator. This is where a focused area is collaboratively determined, unless the teacher is on a comprehensive evaluation. Also, the teacher submits student growth goals for approval.

eVal Self Assessment Tutorial .mp4

Accessing the Self Assessment (video)

eVal Self Assessment walk through .mp4

Completing the Self Assessment (video)


Two Evaluation Types

Student_Growth_Goal_Template (2).docx

Template for Student Growth Goals

Throughout the year the evaluator and teacher will perform at least two formal observation cycles. The teacher will complete the student growth project and submit student growth data to the evaluator. The evaluator may complete any number of informal observations and the evaluatee is invited to submit additional evidence. Near the end of the year the evaluator and teacher meet to go over the summative evaluation report.