Google Classroom Support

Google Classroom is the site we use to support our 3-12 students.

Students will find their assignments and links to video call here.

Google Classroom es el sitio web que usamos para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes de K-2.

Los estudiantes encontrarán sus asignaciones y enlaces a videollamadas aquí.

Google Classroom: Student Directions for accessing classes

Google Classroom: How to Access a Class.webm

Student Directions for Logging into Google (not using a chromebook)

Student Google Login: Not on a Chromebook.webm

SPANISH: Student Directions for adding photos to Google Classroom

Student Directions for Adding Images to Google Classroom

Adding an image of my work in classroom.webm

Google Classroom: How Students can Access and Markup a PDF

Google Classroom: Student Access a PDF.webm

Google Classroom: Turning in PDF Assignments

Google Classroom: Turn in PDF Assignments.mp4

Google Classroom: For Students how to submit work (Google Doc Template and Create your own)

Google Classroom: Submitting Docs and Create your Own Assignments.webm

Google Clasroom and PDF students: turning on you PDF reader

Turning on PDF reader for Students in Classroom.webm