Employment Prep 2

You will typically have three assignments in this class every day. We begin with a journal writing assignment. As you come into class, grab your journal and begin writing a response to the prompt on the whiteboard. It will be different each day, but I will give you very detailed instruction and guidance. After you complete your journal, move on to your Career Exploration Warm-up. You find those in your orange notebooks. Once everyone has completed these, we will move on to our lesson.

As you know, everything we do in class is for a grade. I don't grade you on the answers necessarily, but more on the effort you make. If you've actually done your best, and tried to do the work, you'll pass this class with flying colors!

On Thursdays, Ms. Kelley from the PreETS program will be coming in to work with you. If you haven't brought your permission slips in yet, be sure and get those in right away. Don't forget you earn $25 gift cards for turning those in! Be sure and participate on Thursdays as well because you will earn $100 gift cards if you complete all the activities Ms. Kelley does with you.

Let me know if you have any questions!