Ms. Wilson 7th-grade Math

Hey ya'll!

Welcome to the best year yet at Leland Middle School. I am your math teacher, Ms. Wilson! I am so excited to be here and get to know ya'll, we are going to grow so much this year! 7th-grade math is really cool because we learn so many things that apply to our daily lives like cutting a recipe in half, calculating how much tip to leave the waitress, and/or how much money will make after-tax at our job. These are all concepts we will explore along with so many more this school year!

The best way to contact me is through email, my email address is:

You can also join my Remind to get information about happenings in my class and around the school. To join text the number 81010 with your Core's code:

Core 1: @dcc3b42

Core 2: @82b4af2

Core 3: @38fffd4

Core 4: @c2fbk2f