What is the Four Year Plan?

The purpose of the Four Year Academic Career Plan (ACP) is to prepare College and Career Ready graduates.   The steps that will be taken prior to completing the ACP, will help students choose a path that guides them towards reaching their individual goal(s). The ACP is a working document and can be changed to accommodate the ever growing and changing student during high school.  Remember, this is a tool to help students, parents/guardians, guidance counselors and teachers!

As students begin preparing for high school registration in the spring semester of their eighth grade year, we will be discussing high school graduation requirements and differences between middle and high school as we help your child prepare to make course selections. As a part of this process, students will take part in a variety of activities to learn more about themselves as individuals. All activities that students complete, will help to guide them in making informed decisions on their courses, while preparing to become a College and Career Ready Graduate!

Major Clarity

Major Clarity is the online platform we will be using to work on Academic Career Plans.  This will be accessible to 6-12 grade students in Brunswick County.  Students login using their BCS Google accounts.  More information regarding this will be given to students when they are in seventh grade.

Major Clarity allows students to:

Check out these videos on how to use the various parts of MajorClarity

My Portfolio

Career Exploration

Academic Planning

Post Secondary Exploration

Use the website above to assist you when choosing elective courses in Career and Technical Education.