Ms Lane
We will write in a manner to prevent misunderstanding for our readers, avoiding the use of passive verbs that deaden our writing, as well as the personal pronouns "it" and "they".
Ms. Lane
I love animals, gardening, reading, overcooking things, traveling, telling stories about history, and taking pictures.
2024 - 2025: History: United States of America
1st Block 7:35 - 9:00 a.m.
2nd Block 9:05 - 10:30 a.m.
Flex 10:35 - 11:10 a.m.
3rd Block 11:10 - 1:05 p.m.
A Lunch 11:10 - 11:35 a.m.
4th Block 1:10 - 2:40 p.m.
Teacher Contact Information
Office Hours
Mon – Fri 10:00 – 10:30 a.m.
After School by Appointment
**Office Hours & Tutoring are subject to change based on Flex Block availability throughout the semester**
Asynchronous Distance Learning Office Hours
1st Block: 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. via Google Meet
3rd Block: 12:35 - 1:05 p.m. via Google Meet
4th Block: 2:10 - 2:40 p.m. via Google Meet
Attendance Policy
Because this course in hands-on, participation is necessary. If you are absent, please remember to advocate for yourself and communicate with me to find out what you missed.
Expectations for Student Behavior
· Be ready to learn, cell phone turned in to the teacher, learning materials out and ready to use, when the tardy bell rings
· Be respectful of the personal space and belongings of others
· Exhibit the appropriate behavior and language expected of you in this professional academic environment
· No cell phone use inside the classroom – all student cell phones will be turned in to the teacher at the beginning of class,
· Turn in your work on time. A score of "1" will be placed for all missing assignments until they are turned in and graded.
Plagiarism / Cheating Policy
Any student caught cheating or plagiarizing work will redo the assignment so that he or she will have work that represents his or her actual understanding of the standards. The assignment in question may be modified to ensure fairness.
Late Work Policy
Assignments are due at the end of each lesson. Students who do not submit their work on time will receive a “1” in the Power School grade book until the assignment is turned in. Late work will not receive a grade higher than 90%, until the unit assessment. After the unit assessment, the highest late classwork grades will not exceed 85%.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Please E-mail me if you would like to schedule a conference.
By appointment
Supplies Needed for Class
· Pencils
· College ruled composition book and pocket folder
· Highlighters
· Student Chromebook and charger
Final Exam: 20%
The remaining 80% will be:
70% Summative Mastery
30% Formative Artifact
Cell Phones
Student cell phones will be collected at the beginning of every class, every block, throughout the school campus. This is a school-wide policy. Take note that School Board policy #4311 explains and clearly states that students are not allowed to have their phones out or use them during instructional time. In order to best serve all students, teachers will be collecting all cell phones and housing them in a designated location within the
Cell phones will not be accessible to students during class.
Any parent who needs to contact their child immediately due to an emergency may call the front office at (910) 371-2261
Help students and parents help themselves by making resources easily accessible.
Student sites
The National Archives:
Crash Course U.S. History:
Crash Course Economics:
Parent sites
School forms