Instruments & Supplies

Need Supplies?

For your convenience, we have several local music stores that stop by our school weekly. They pick up any damaged instruments, bring them to their repair shop, drop off any repaired instruments, and bring us other supplies such as valve oil and reeds.

We maintain a minimal supply of essential instrumental supplies, including valve oil and reeds, which students can purchase directly from the band department. However, we HIGHLY recommend planning ahead and purchasing supplies directly from one of the stores below. They will deliver any purchases ordered online or over the phone to our schools for free during their normal weekly visit.

Rettig Music, Inc.

Phone: 1-800-52-MUSIC


Forte Music, Inc.

Phone: 419-626-1200


Buying an Instrument?

Buying an instrument is an extremely exciting time, but caution must be used to ensure that you end up with a good, high quality instrument. Follow the guide below to ensure that the instrument you buy is one that will look and sound good, as well as last (with proper maintenance of course):

Things to consider when buying an instrument:

  • Talk to your private teacher or band director first! Tell them what you are looking for (if you know), and most importantly, what your budget is.
  • It is extremely important to buy a name-brand instrument. Please ask your private teacher or band director for quality brands for your instrument type.
  • You will only get what you are willing to pay for...... If an instrument's price is too good to be true, then it probably IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! Buying a reasonably priced, quality instrument the first time is the key to avoiding headaches. An instrument of poor quality may look nice at first, but when it breaks (and it will!) it probably will be unable to be repaired, as replacement parts are not often made for these instruments.
  • Used instruments can be a good choice for the cost-conscious. It is very important that you have a professional look over the instrument before purchasing!
  • Play the instrument BEFORE buying it! This is a very important step! You probably wouldn't buy a car without test-driving don't buy an instrument without "test-driving" it.

Remember, it is a GREAT idea to consult a music professional such as your private teacher or band director BEFORE purchasing!