Mr. Brown, Fifth Grade

Mr. Brown

I fulfilled a longtime goal of running the Boston Marathon in 2021.

I have been teaching in Asheville since 2009 and at Oakley since 2017. After graduating in 2006 from Kennesaw State University in Georgia I also spent two years teaching abroad at a private school in Mexico City.

My family are all products of public education. My wife is an elementary school librarian and our two daughters have both attended Oakley since Kindergarten. At home we have an energetic dog, a cat and we always have a handful of chickens. In my free time, I am an avid runner and also enjoy music, reading, cooking, and gardening.

As an educator, I believe strongly in building a class community that encourages and values diversity, kindness, collaboration, and perseverance. I recognize that each student is unique and I strive to meet the needs of every learner. I use a mixture of digital and hands-on assignments. Students will join my Google Classroom to access digital assignments throughout the year.