Tony Ball

Hi!  My name is Tony Ball and I have been teaching PE at Sand Hill-Venable Elementary since 2005.  I graduated from Erwin High School in 1998 and obtained my teaching degree from Western Carolina University in 2004.  I earned my National Board Certification in 2010 which I renewed in 2019.  My goal as a teacher is to encourage students to be physically active throughout their lifetime.  I like to lead by example and am currently staying active by weight training and playing golf.  I have also started playing baseball in a 40 years and older wood bat league.  I am a huge North Carolina Tar Heels fan and also cheer for the Dallas Cowboys and the New York Yankees. 

Parents can contact me via ClassDojo or email.

Virtual lessons will be uploaded on Seesaw (Grades K-2) and Google Classroom (Grades 3-4).

Remember to have fun, stay safe, and be active!